
Why Does Charla Nash Face So Different? What Happened To Her- Before And After Surgery Photos

Charla Nash, a resident of Connecticut, was attacked by a chimpanzee and sustained horrendous injuries. She is back in the hospital after doctors discovered that her body is rejecting tissue from a five-year-old transplant.

Nash is undergoing a “moderate rejection episode,” according to Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s director of plastic surgery transplantation.

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Why Does Charla Nash Face So Different? What Happened To Her

A 200-pound chimpanzee mauled the 62-year-old woman in 2009, leaving her with most of her face and hands amputated. The chimpanzee-transmitted sickness necessitated the removal of her eyes as well.

Later, she got new facial features that doctors took from a deceased woman. She also had a double hand transplant; however, it was unsuccessful since her body rejected the tissue.

She has been training to grip a fork with a prosthetic hand. The Department of Defence did not cover the prosthetic hand, but Nash was able to acquire it because of the generosity of others. 

In addition, there was also a GoFundMe account set up for her where people could donate to help her. 

Charla Nash Before And After Surgery Photos

The chimpanzee named Travis attacked and tore off Charla Nash’s hands and face in a terrible attack, so it is evident that her injury is deep, and there will be huge differences before and after the treatment and surgeries.

Astonishing progress of chimp attack victim Charla Nash, two years after receiving full-face transplant
Astonishing progress of chimp attack victim Charla Nash, two years after receiving full-face transplant (Source- Daily Mail)

Due to a deep harmful attack, she will have a significant portion as unrecognizable and less similar than before structure even though with treatment, some improvement is back.

According to Charla Nash, who claims to have always survived, it took all her bravery to stand up to a friend’s chimpanzee when she was assaulted and left with terrible wounds.

Nash, whose father served in the Air Force, stated, “I wish I could have done more. I believe in the power of prayer and appreciate everyone praying for me.”

On the broadcast of “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” Charla Nash made her first appearance on television since suffering significant wounds in a brutal chimpanzee attack, displaying her badly disfigured face.

She was also pictured before the event with a broad smile and bright eyes. She informed Winfrey that Nash is currently blind and olfactory-impaired.

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Charla Nash Family Legal Procedure Against The Owner of Chimpanzee

Sandra Herold, the animal’s owner, is being sued for $50 million by the Nash family for carelessness and recklessness on her part in failing to restrain a wild animal with violent propensities.

A new face for Charla [Source- BBC]
A new face for Charla Nash [Source- BBC]
Herold’s lawyer claims that officials should make a workers’ compensation claim because the attack was related to Herold’s employment. Nash denied being a Herold team member. Herold kept the pet inside the home, where she had a towing business.

Nash’s family also notified Connecticut’s Office of Claims Commissioner that they wanted to sue the state for $150 million because law enforcement failed to stop the attack promptly.

Likewise, Connecticut’s attorney general, Richard Blumenthal, said the incident is under investigation.

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